Exchanging a Montana for a Redwood

When we left Arkansas in 2016, we fully expected our older Montana to last a good 10 years. One month into the journey I discovered this crack while hitching up in Flaming Gorge, Utah.


We continued on to Boise, Idaho and began exploring options, including getting the Montana repaired. When it didn’t make economic sense to spend the money on that, as well as planned upgrades, we began looking at our options. One that seemed out of the question was this beautiful Redwood.


After several days of prayer and negotiation, the Redwood was our new home. The first picture I have hooked up was at a truck stop on I-86 in eastern Oregon as day was breaking. I thought it was pretty cool to get a shot right next to this beautiful 1940 Ford truck. There’s about a 75-year difference between those two trucks.

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