Coming Off the Road

The Time Is Coming, and Now Is…


Well it might not be the final call home that brings us off the road, but the reality is that at some point in time it might not be practical to continue the fulltime lifestyle.

What are the options? It was part of our thought process before we ever sold our home.

Reality #1: No one knows the future. Plan as you may, life happens and it may not be the way you would have ordered it. That’s why I believe it is important to seize the opportunity while you can. No one is guaranteed tomorrow, much less today.

Reality #2: It’s good to have a plan, but remain flexible. We look forward two to five years, realizing that a medical issue or emergency could derail those plans and we would have to fall back on a more stable living situation. We would be very comfortable living in our Redwood 5th wheel - it literally feels like home. If we had to come off the road, we would probably park the Redwood on our Florida lot and become Florida residents.

Reality #3: It’s good to maintain great relationship with your kids. While none of us want to be a burden to our children, you may need their help and support at some point in time. If necessary, mend fences and rebuild relationship while you can.

Reality #4: It’s good to have back-up savings. Financial flexibility will increase your options if or when the time comes.

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